Friday, May 14, 2010

been a few weeks

I've got a few interviews underway that will be going in a printed copy of The Harsh Truth and hopefully once those are done i'll be right onto cutting and pasting, i'll also do the usual reviews and all that kinda jargon.
Quite unsure as of right now, who i will ask to do the artwork...though i got a few people in mind.

Also got a mini-zine planned dedicated solely to a very extensive interview with an NYHC mainstay including some old photos, new photos, old fliers and new fliers. It'll be titled "All the chips on the table" but that's only part of the name!

P.S some people might want the infamous Street Youth EP, so i'm gonna dub it from my tape copy and upload it soon!

PPS. I am printing Australian copies of US Zine "Atlanta Youth Report" featuring: Rival Mob, Hardisde, Free Spirit, True Life + more, plus artwork by the ever mystical Chris Morgado of The Wrong Side.



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